Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Wednesday Heart - No Stone Turned Photography

I have a big problem with the cold. I shiver in Autumn and hibernate in Winter. Strangely, I also love snow! I love to look at snow while I'm sunbathing next to the pool, mostly :-) Another person who loves the snow is the American nature photographer, mother and teacher behind No Stone Turned Photography.

Still a relative newcomer to the wonderful world that is Etsy, No Stone Turned has some really stunning images and I love how each one has information that gives you insight into the environment it comes from. For example, this shot:

The image itself is beautiful and the soft pastel tones convey a sense of peace and awakening with the early dawn. But at 10am!! And -20 degrees celcius! I don't think I could do it, and it just adds an extra dimension for me to the ice crystals hanging on the twisting reeds.

This next shot I think is simply fantastic. I love the composition and the way it engenders a sense of duty, iron-will and freezing cold!

To me the image itself tells a story, and the way that that is fleshed out in the item description is really well done. If there was one thing that I would change about that image, it's the traffic lights in the bottom right-hand corner. I find them distracting but I can't think of a simple way that could be fixed. I think cropping the image would damage the compositional value, either done horizontally or vertically. But can you imagine being that guy? I run for the house going from the car to the loungeroom. This is one of those iconic images that will stick with me as representing exactly how dedicated people can be.

My final pick for today is I think the best of the lot.

This is technically really good. The interplay of light and shadow is wonderful and the composition is envocative of a timeless sense of peace and possibility. I love it.

No Stone Turned, you have my Wednesday Heart!

Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm in a Treasury!

It's very exciting :-) It's a real bright sunshine-y collection. is the link if you'd like to take a squiz.

The Post a Long Time in Coming

I've been unwell and away, but now I am well and back! The Wednesday Heart will start up again from next week, just so y'all know. My etsy store is now also back up and running.

If you're an Australian or New Zealand photographer, you might want to check out this year's Canon Photo Five competition. I gave it rave reviews as being a whole bunch of fun last year, and this year there is an open category for people who didn't register in time to receive the box. Meaning you can still take part! Just head on over and take a look at this website here.

I love that this year the box is split up into briefs. It makes it FAR more challenging creatively, because there is a greater chance that at least 50 other people are going to be doing the same thing. For example, on of the briefs is taking a close up photo of a 100s and 1000s, those little coloured candy things you put on top of cupcakes. I can guess now what a lot of the images are going to look like. I have no clue what I'm going to do yet.

When I'm done and dusted, I'll post my efforts here for everyone to take a look at :-)